VO Workouts

What is a VO workout? It’s not a class. It’s where you bring a couple of scripts and then you work out with your peers and maybe a director. You may be asked to direct each other. They MIGHT provide the scripts. It helps with getting BETTER at this art we call voiceover. Don’t assume you are rocking your auditions. Find out!! Workouts tend to be much more affordable than private coaching. Both have their place and we recommend these workouts:

VO Heaven – Larry Hudson – Commercial and Character workouts – note Fridays ONLY for characters. Follow Larry’s directions carefully!!!! Seriously, or we don’t know you. 🙂 You must have a quality home studio and gear for these workouts. Beginners welcome.

VO Director – NOTE – you must be a working PROFESSIONAL with gigs under your belt to join this group. Watch the podcasts etc, but do not apply until you are working and want to improve.

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