Frequently Asked Questions

Looking to Get Started?

We teach all about VOICE! Whether it’s singing, voiceover, vocal health or public speaking, our faculty are trained to work with individuals — beginners to professionals to move them up and into the next level.


If you want to learn more about voiceover, all of our faculty are currently working in the voiceover profession. We work in animation, corporate, video game, audiobooks, promo and more. We can help you get started the RIGHT way. We don’t promise demo reels until you are READY. And we focus on teaching ACTING. Little “v” and big “A” — it’s all about learning out to act and bring life into the copy you are performing. If you are new to acting — that’s the core of our curriculum and we can teach you.


If you want to learn how to sing — this is a safe place to start. We teach on Zoom (and occasionally in person during retreats). Find out more about pitch, breathing, support and how to sing with us. We also offer help with audition support for current singers.

Vocal Health

We are not health care professionals or otolaryngologists, however, we are performers who have been HELPED by professionals. We can often help point you in the right direction if you need to be scoped or need speech therapy. We CAN help you with warm ups, placement, breathing, support, resonance and more.

Public Speaking

Public speaking can mean a lot of different things these days. It can be on stage. It can be in a large Zoom meeting. How sharp are your camera skills so that you are impressive on Zoom? How well can you use microphones? Can you “read” an audience and respond in live-time? We can teach this.